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Mother and Son

Best nursery. Childcare WindsorNursery. Childcare. Windsor


We hope to welcome you and your child to Teeny Boppers shortly.  Please fill out and Submit the application form below. If your child is formally offered a place at Teeny Boppers, a downpayment of £30 will be required to secure that place. 


Please review our Terms and Conditions before submitting your form.


Please do get in touch using the 'Contact' button if you have any questions about the application form. We would be very happy to help.

Application for enrolment

Child's details

For Entry Term Commencing:

One Session = 3 hours, e.g. 8:30am-11:30am or 12am - 3pm; for those attending a full day, £3.50/day will be charged for the lunch period between morning and afternoon sessions

Please select preferred Sessions:

Please note that Session choices are subject to availability

Please indicate language spoken at home and any other languages and ability level (e.g. a little/intermediate/native)

Details of parent(s)/guardian(s)

Details of parent(s)/guardian(s)

Emergency information


Declaration and signature

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